FRGX Token

Become a part of the most rapidly growing community of token holders on the Binance Smart Chain in 2024.


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of finance

New Project from Forsage Development Team

The FRGX team holds a proven track record of 4 years in developing the largest smart contract platform for online business, GameFi, NFT, and other tools, supporting 3 million+ participants. This experience allows them to create and maintain products at the highest level. That's why we can guarantee that this digital economy product will be developed and launched through the most advanced and unmatched technologies

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How to buy $FRGX

Contract: 0xA1992D014AdFCd263334824C704aeaCce0F1FAbd


Create a Wallet

Download metamask or your wallet of choice from the AppStore or GooglePlay. Desktop users must download the MetaMask Google Chrome extension by going to


Connect to PancakeSwap

Get some BNB (BEP20) and Go to and connect your wallet. Paste the $FRGX contract address into PancakeSwap, select FRGX and confirm. When Metamask prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.


Swap BNB to $FRGX

Swap BNB to $FRGX. We have ZERO taxes so you don’t need to worry about buying with a specific slippage, although you may need to use slippage during times of market volatility.

Frequently Asked Questions

FRGX Token is a free market token on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain with an open smart contract code and a limited emission.

The FRGX team holds a proven track record of 4 years in developing the largest smart contract platform for online business, GameFi, NFT, and other tools, supporting 3 million+ participants. This experience allows them to create and maintain products at the highest level. That's why we can guarantee that this digital economy product will be developed and launched through the most advanced and unmatched technologies.

We recommend evaluating your situation yourself and weighing the pros and cons before making any cryptocurrency investments. We also recommend diversifying your risks and investing only with your personal spare funds. None of the information on this website or in other materials is an investment recommendation.

You can buy $FRGX on
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